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God's Warriors

God's Warriors


St. Theresa Middle is blessed with a wonderful student organization called God’s Warriors.  Dedicated to the development of faith and the demonstration of that faith through service to others, the students in God’s Warriors are committed to setting an example by regularly participating in religious activities such as Mass, prayer services, Stations of the Cross, and morning prayer.  The students also perform skits to help the student body learn more about God’s Word, saints, and the traditions of the Catholic Church.

Students in 6th-8th grades are eligible to join God’s Warriors. Because service to others is such an important part of the club’s philosophy, members help raise money for missions, and assist teachers with younger students during morning arrival. Proceeds from fundraisers by God’s Warriors are used to buy religious items for the two campuses and classrooms.  As a sign of devotion, members gather on Fridays at recess to pray the Rosary, the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, have mini-retreats, or attend Adoration.

Student Ministers are members of God’s Warriors who assume a leadership role in the club by organizing meetings and planning skits and activities, including Praise and Adoration Night and prayer services.  They also keep club records, and work closely with club sponsors.